There's a fine balance between empathy and apathy. I'm not going to sit here and try to tell anybody where that line is but I can say from experience that too much empathy can create apathy. It can lead to burnout. Doesn't matter what you are doing or how much you love it, if you're not balanced out it can lead to a situation that you may or may not want to be in.
There is so much noise in the western hemisphere. There's so many agendas and talking heads trying to scream down your throat. I tried to take a more underground approach this year. A couple times, I will admit, my studies boiled up to the surface. It's so frustrating to hear so many Americans talk about freedom and liberty and equal protection under the law and (really) anything in the constitution while we simultaneously violate Article 6, Clause 2 of the US Constitution. "All Treaties are the Supreme Law of the Land and Judges in every state shall be bound thereby,."
The constitution is very very clear about Treaty compliance but America just will not hear it. The schools don't teach about it and the churches don't preach about it because history literally implicates both institutions. So Americans understanding and (lack of)) respect for Indigenous Peoples sits comfortably in the minds and imaginations of the American politic. Nothing is more American than shutting an Indigenous Person down who is trying to educate and/or inform. That is the history of the western hemisphere over the last 531 years.
There is nothing appetizing about the Struggle for Indigenous Liberation. Liberals and Conservatives alike are against it. Both political parties are against it. The church is against it and so is the state.
I am going to continue doing my part for the struggle. I am going to go back underground and continue my studies. There is a creative solution here. It will surely start with education. And then the constitution. We have a long way to go America. If any of you love any of your rights that are "protected" by constitutional law, it would be very wise and prudent of you to ask yourself how secure your civil liberties *really* are because Article 6, Clause 2 is being ignored outright. Just poof, the 6th Article of the Constitution is just null and void. How secure does that make you feel about your first or second Amendment? All constitutional sections are bound together by the same cloth of destiny. When America realizes that; things might start to change.