Tour Memories
Song: Power Of People (acoustic) Album: Unreleased Venue: Wild Spirit Backpackers Location: Natures Valley, South Africa Date: 19 Feb. 2023 Verse 1 Selma to Montgomery marches it was 1965 mother Pollard said her feets was tired but her soul found rest that night they planned to walk over the Edmund Pettis bridge for their voting rights against bull Connor the police and the Ku Klux Klan but this wasn’t a riot it wasn’t a mob these were ordinary people with strategy involved they said no matter what happens to you turn your other cheek don’t let them move you it’s called bloody Sunday cause they made them pay cause they wanted a representative democratic say they marched with their hearts and not with their fists they marched with love compassion nonviolence acquits They made their case by refusing to fight and All America watched on Cronkite that night Chorus Ain’t no power Like the power of people Cause The power of people don’t stop Verse 2 The T and R Commission Was led by Desmond tutu Apartheid fell Mandela walked from jail With the whole world watching what’s he gonna do he invited his jailers to dinner in ‘92 Things ain’t Easy to be black and to be free when there’s white people privilege that we just can’t see look up the Greensboro lunch counter segregation at the Woolworths the downtown location It’s where for black men took it upon themselves to take a beating for the beating Jim Crow in the south they said we’ve come to help desegregate and you can no longer assign a seat by color or race they went and grabbed their friends who jumped off the fence because freedom ain’t free when you’re being arrested against all odds and voter suppression they voted George Wallace out in the next election Verse 3 There’s another thing called Tiananmen Square where a man stopped a tank with a grocery bag and stare. Vietnam two three infantry Hugh Thompson Je stopped a massacre of Vietnamese he was a war time whistleblower without the zeal even Billy Graham bailed Dr. King out of jail you can read about this world past and present tense but nothing comes close to your experience so write it down in bits and pieces like a modern day Martin Luther 95 thesis because it don’t matter if your white or black if you see something say something it’s time to act You can litigate laws and mitigate crime but you can’t legislate someone’s heart and mind you gotta lead with your heart expect the resist they even called Martin Luther King a communist #SongsInTheKeyOfFreedom #TransAtlanticRelationsTour //
We were introduced to the Elder of the (600) Elephants in Addo National Park earlier today. Our guide said he’s 56 years old and can get very angry which is why his tusks are broken - he likes to fight. As you can see, he was pissed off (literally). One of the guys on our trip sent me his video and so I edited it into this video because he captured our groups reaction at the end. Just a heads up, there is some language at the end of the video. //
We don't want to leave. This land is magical. I wish there was a way to slow down time. We're trying to soak up every second. Thank you so much South Africa. You are beautiful.
Rayah and I went on safari today in Addo. One moment we’re looking at zebras up on the mountain and the next moment a Lioness is walking right towards our vehicle. We followed her for a mile or so and watched her charge a family of warthogs. The ibis sounded the alarm which warned the warthogs the lion was near and this warning almost certainly helped prevent the warthogs from being dinner. It was a really cool experience that I’m grateful to share with my daughter. //
Song: Be Brave
Album: Ubuntu (2015) Venue: Louvain Burn Music & Arts Festival Location: The Karoo, South Africa Date: 3 Feb, 2023 Chorus Stand up, Stand strong, Make Peace, gonna sing my song. Find my purpose, gonna heal my pain Stand in strength, I’m Gonna be brave. #TransAtlanticRelationsTour // 🇿🇦 |
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January 2025
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