I would say this has been our best year yet.
It's crazy to think that a year ago we were gearing up for our Qatar/Africa/Europe trip. How time flies.
Despite losing our bus we are excited... Getting ready to head back to New Zealand is really what the doctor ordered. It's still hard to believe that we're actually going there. I haven't even begun to think about what I will/won't be bringing. I wish I could bring all my gear.
We also have a stop in Fiji (sounds terrible huh).

We continue to see how great playing at farmers markets are. I used to tour booking all late night high energy shows, but now I try to play as many markets as possible. At least one a week. It's nice to sort of be moving that direction.

Some people think we are just a band of gypsies cruising around the world, showing up wherever, whenever, setting up and playing shows...
If only it was like that. Our schedule (and lives) are planned out far in advance. Sometimes we yearn for some spontaneity. Maybe one day it could be like that again..

Although we lost our bus we did not lose our joy. The self inflicted stress of whether or not we would have enough resources to make NZ happen was outweighed every night.

Our goal was to go down there and 'relax.' No plans, no calendars, no gigs. Nothing. Except our backpacks and our tent. The reality was February - April is our busy time with booking our summer tour (and) our spanish sucks. So learning and trying to get around on the buses while trying to see Mexico, Guatemala and the Cayo District in Belize. It was beautiful but I think we left more tired than we arrived.

This year was a little weird, being out of our bus and inside a mini-van (thank you Mark). We made it work, played a few festivals and had a great time. We finished the year playing a singer/songwriter' behind the music' show with my friend (and somewhat mentor) Mike Perkins. It's always special to perform alongside the people you really look up too/inspired you.